Barnard College Movement Lab’s Post Baccalaureate Fellow

web designer & developer, research fellow

Movement Lab website Prompts, Past Events, and Virtual Lab Artist Feature pages developed, designed and maintained by Allison Costa, July 2018-present. Screenshots by Allison Costa.

The Movement Lab is a flexible modular space for movement research, exploration, production, collaboration, and interdisciplinary interaction. The Lab’s trans-media function serves to enhance critical thinking and learning through body and brain connection as it seeks to explore emerging trajectories in art, science and technology.
Allison works as Post-Baccalaureate Research Fellow of the Movement Lab. She is in charge of website design and development, with thanks for the input and support from the rest of the Movement Lab team. In Fall 2019, she overhauled the website and has since maintained and added to it including a page for the 2020 Moving Body-Moving Image Festival and an archive for all past events. In 2020, she designed the fully online Virtual Lab to help support remote programming, which consists of a COVID-19 Resource List, Prompts, Artist Features, and Artist Interviews. In addition to web design/development, Allison assists with programming, administration, artist relations, and project development. This includes planning and running workshops/events, collaborating with Artists-in-Residence, working closely with students, as well as creating an independent research project.

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Allison Costa is a transdisciplinary artist primarily based in New York City. Her practice is process-focused and collaborative and she is always interested in exploring new pathways and partnerships for creative experimentation.

Happenings ︎︎︎
