Open Mouths: The Last Organism 

a 3D living gallery of movement and design

co-producer, mixed media artist

Open Mouths: The Last Organism was created as a collaboration between the Design Center and Movement Lab. Built during a workshop series in August 2020 and drawing from Emergent Strategy, participants explored the concepts of intuition, connection, and cross-pollination to create a virtual organism in the shape of an interactive website and 3D virtual gallery space. Submissions to the website are ongoing, so please explore and add your own work!
Allison worked as a co-producer of the project, working with the other organizers to develop the concept of the project, lead workshop sessions, structure the collaboration of participants and actualize the emergent organism. She was also a contributing artist. The full team of collaborators can be found on the Last Organism website.

Visit Open Mouths: The Last Organism ︎︎︎

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Allison Costa is a dancer, creative technologist, and multi-media artist based in New York City. Her transdisciplinary practice is process-focused and collaborative and she is always interested in exploring new pathways and partnerships for creative experimentation.

Happenings ︎︎︎
